- Enjoy...! - Life is short.

news/2024/10/7 21:00:35

Kate 说:
send you some good sentences....
Kate 说:
before going any further, we would like to set some important

ground rules in order to make this an enjoyable and productive



  -  Choose Your Attitude - Choose to be focused and happy

  -  Play - Remember that the more fun you have, the best ideas

     that you will bring

  -  Make Somebody's Day - Somebody will make yours

  -  Be Present - Choose to be there, not just
Kate 说:
in body, but in mind

  -  Bring Your Best Ideas - You can make a difference, every idea

     is important

  -  Be Open and Listen to others - It is the only way to learn

  -  Act as a Leader - Things will never happen if you lay back and

     wait for them to occur.

  -  Work Hard - There is no other way around for success

  -  Enjoy...! - Life is short.





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js 数组插入删除

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在vue项目中 如何定义全局变量 全局函数

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